One day, as I sat visiting with some of the family, I made a comment that went something like this: "Would it be crazy to get tickets to the Oogie Boogie Bash, drive down just for that, then drive back?".
Everyone in the room was in. We called Kaylee. She was in! We called Braden, and I honestly expected a firm NO, but he talked with Michelle, and they were in! I was so stoked! The Elquist Eleven were going to experience Disney all together!
The plan took a few iterations to firm up, but in the end, it went pretty flawlessly.
Seats in the cars was going to be an issue, but if there's one thing I love, it's Enterprise Rentals here in Spanish Fork. I rented a minivan for the weekend. They even only charged me for two days, which was great!
Dallin and Braden went in early to work. Michelle somehow left on time, which is amazing for school employees! Kaylee and Alyssa worked from here. The only bummer was that Jason couldn't get off work until 6. We decided to leave at 4, and have him meet up with us in Primm. Braden, Michelle, Mason and Parker were in one vehicle, while the rest of us were in the van.
The ride down was EPIC! We had put together a playlist on Spotify, and it was fun to hear people's selections. There was a LOT of LOUD singing! We had dinner at the Wendy's in Beaver, and rolled into Primm around 10 pm. We stayed at the Primm Valley Resort and Casino. I probably wouldn't stay there again. It smelled, and felt dirty and old. The room next to us had TWO yapping dogs with them. I decided to call the front desk, just to discover the phone didn't work. I gave up, and I think we pretty much slept through our inconsiderate neighbors. I saw them in the morning, and they were exactly what I pictured. Pure trash. The man in a dirty wife beater tank top, with a cigarette behind his ear. The woman, well, I'd have to borrow a phrase from my Dad. It originally referred to a horse that was ridden, and then not brushed down after. She looked like she had been rode hard and put away wet. And she had a nasty laugh. I realized it wouldn't have done me any good to try to talk with them. Anyway, they weren't raining on our parade!
My timeline said we should be on the rode by 8 am. Well, I tell you what, we were ahead of schedule! We were parking by 12 pm in the Mickey and Friends parking structure. So dang cool! It had been two years since I had made it here. TWO YEARS. I was so excited that I forgot I had prepaid for parking. DOH! That's $25 I won't be seeing again!
Another favorite moment was Traven overcoming his fears and going on Guardians. It's now his favorite ride! It's just hard to beat MONSTERS AFTER DARK!
We rode Maters at some point. It's all a blur. Parker fell asleep, so Braden and his crew branched off. The rest of us ate at Pym's Test Kitchen. We then had an hour left. Jason and I went to Web Slingers, while the rest went to Soarin' and then shopping.
Pym's had a great panini. When I got it, it seemed smaller than I expected, but it was SO YUMMY! I was exhausted and totally forgot about mobile ordering at this point. Oops. That was a bit of time wasted.
Web Slingers was fun, but I don't see how it maintains its popularity. The technology is cool. You shoot webs by moving your arms. But it is low motion, and really just rotates between 4 different scenes. I'm still glad we did it, though.
Oogie Boogie merchandise was non existent. That was a bummer.
Braden drove through the night and was home early Sunday. I don't think I could do that, but I have to admit, I was pretty jealous that he was home and we were just starting! We took our time. Slept in a bit, breakfast at Dennys, lunch at Raising Canes. Oh, and we had to pick up Jason's car which we had left in Primm. We arrived home Sunday around 10 pm, exhausted, but having created some great memories. It was Dallin's first time doing Disney with the Elquists. I hope he enjoyed it!
Would I do it again? Yes, but with a few changes. It felt so wrong to not go into Disneyland. And it felt weird to not experience any of the Oogie Boogie Bash. I think two days is the minimum for this type of adventure. And I'd want to break up the drive back. Somehow I'd want to get two days in the parks. I am also starting to feel a bit old at times. Physically of course. I'd probably want some more rest time budgeted in. It was a LOT for one weekend!