Monday, June 28, 2010

My childhood home is up for sale!

I'm always trying to tell my children how nice they have it. I'd like to point out a few items from this listing that really stand out to me.

First, check out the number of bathrooms. Yes, it has 1 "partial" bathroom. This leads me to wonder, what was it missing? And how did it ever manage the needs of 6 people?

Second, it lists two bedrooms. I'd just like to point out, once again, that my first bedroom was actually the back porch! That's the room that's listed as a back room, which could be a potential office. Potential buyer, please be aware the room has no heating, and that external entrance goes right out into a tree! It did have 3 bedrooms, plus the back porch when I lived there, so I'm not sure what happened to the other bedroom. I'd be interested to know where it went! One of the bedrooms had a distinct feature - it had a window that looked out onto the other covered porch. I never really saw the vision for that one. The other bedroom opened directly into the kitchen. I still remember the sound and smell of Dad's coffee pot firing up each morning.

Third, the home has no cooling system. So please remember to be grateful for central air.

Translation - "some plumbing redone downstairs = either find a good plumber or learn how to weld". The plumbing was done long before plastic piping came into use.

A fifth point - about 1,500 square feet. That's pretty small!

It's listed as being built in 1951, which is old. However, I think they should mention that part of the house actually sits on an old cabin, which is well over 100 years old.

The property does have some unique features. It has a somewhat scary "stone building", which we used for carving up game. It has a coal chute - you won't find those on many newer homes. The basement is straight out of a low budget Halloween movie - I would never, ever go down there if I was the only one home! It sits on 1.7 acres, a portion of which is actually the steep hill that sits behind the house.

The irrigation canal does run right through the property, so that'll keep you entertained in the summer. It used to have an abandoned well in the back, which I never quite understood.

It was a wonderful home to grow up in, and it never felt small or outdated to me. It's certainly full of wonderful memories for me. I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but the Morgan to Provo daily commute is a bit long for my tastes!