Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Longest Month Ever
October 2007. It seemed like it would be a great month. We had the new baby to show off to the St. George members of the family. I'd be running in the St. George marathon. Oh how quickly things can change!
Traven seemed to have picked up a cold towards the end of September. No big deal, right? His cough was horrible and not getting better. Then he wouldn't wake up to eat anymore. We took him into the doctor's office. They said they thought it was a virus and that he'd turn the corner either the next day or the day after that. This was on September 28th. On the 3rd we were back at the doctor's, and on the 4th Traven was in Mountain View hospital. He now had an IV, and was having episodes where he would stop breathing. Late Saturday night we finally received a diagnosis - pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Mountain View does not have the expertise for treating a newborn with such severe symptoms, so Traven was sent via Life Flight up to Primary Childrens hospital. What a humbling experience. We were completely powerless. The only thing to do was trust in God and the excellent caregivers at the hospital.
I also need to relate another part of this story before continuing. For several months, I had severe pain after eating. At first it was very sporadic, but it kept getting worse. Sometimes I would end up collapsed on the bathroom floor from the pain. I finally broke down and went to my doctor, who ordered an ultrasound to check my gall bladder. Sure enough, it was filled with stones. It turns out two of my sisters and my Mother had their gall bladders removed in the past. Due to the fact that my one sisters had actually exploded inside of her and caused blood poisoning, we felt mine should come out as soon as possible.
In the midst of this turmoil, my sister called from St. George to tell me my Mother's health was worsening and she was very concerned.
Did I mention that Alyssa also came down with whooping cough at the same time?
At one point, I was recovering from surgery, Traven was having episodes in excess of 30 times a day where he would stop breathing, Alyssa was miserable and couldn't quit coughing, and Lori was staying with Traven up at the hospital. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. My wife was not at home, my baby was near death and my youngest daughter was really struggling.
I eventually recovered, although it's been 4 weeks now and I'm still not back where I was with running. Traven was in the hospital for 3 weeks. He is home now, but not all the way better. Alyssa is almost all better, and things are slowly coming back to normal.
Several things got me through this month of trial.
First off, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who gave me the faith and strength to hold things together at home while Lori was up in Salt Lake.
Secondly, my children were incredible. Kaylee, Braden, Jason and Alyssa each stepped up and helped keep the home fires burning. There was cleaning to be done, homework needing attention, football games and practices to take care of, etc. Somehow, we took care of everything.
Thirdly, our neighbors were wonderful. We had numerous meals brought into us. I can't tell you what a blessing that was. I'd get up around 6:00 am, get some work done, then get the kids off to school. I'd then be at work until about 3:00 pm, when I'd go home and pick up one or two of the kids and head up to Salt Lake to visit with Lori and check on Traven. We wouldn't get home until after 9:00 pm. I'd then get the kids to bed and do some more work. It'd be midnight before I was able to try to rest again. Having a meal brought in was simply wonderful.
Fourth, and certainly not last by any means, I'd have to mention Lori's family. Her mom took several shifts with Traven so Lori could leave and rest. Emily brought Lori lunch on several days. Glenn and Allison visited Lori and really helped us out with things back at home.
I saved one of the best for last - my wife Lori. I do not know how she did it. By my calculations, Traven was in the hospital 20 nights. I stayed overnight for two of those. Lori's Mom stayed over for one as well. That means Lori did 17 nights of caring for Traven. As you can imagine, these were not restful nights. Between Traven's episodes, plus the nurses checking on him every two hours, she pretty much went without quality sleep for two and a half weeks. I could not do it. It must be something special about a mother and her love for her children that gave her super human-like powers of endurance.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Traven Arrives!
On the night of August 26th, the birth mother called to say she was at the hospital in labor, and wanted us there. Lori and I headed up and arrived around 12:30 am. It ended up as a false alarm, and we made it back home, exhausted, around 4:30 am.
On the morning of August 29th, we heard back from her. Her water had broken - this time it was for real. We got up there in the early afternoon, and settled in for a long day and night. She was in labor, but making no progress. She dilated to a 4, and was stuck there for hours.
We decided to go downstairs at the hospital to a Subway and get dinner. We got our sandwiches and headed back up to the waiting room to eat. No sooner were we into our dinner than the birth mother's mother burst into the room. She said the baby was coming NOW! Within just a few minutes, he had arrived. Lori was in the room for the birth. I was pacing nervously outside. Finally I was able to go in and hold him. It was so weird. I had spent months telling myself not to let us get our hopes up. Now here he was, but nothing was official yet. Should I be excited or still guarded?
Friday morning we went up with the kids. They each took a turn holding him, then we left to let the biological family say their goodbyes. This was around 10:30 am. The bio mom could not sign the papers until 7:05 pm. It was the longest day of my life! We went shopping for baby things, went to lunch and did whatever we could to kill the time. It drug by very slowly. Our excitement was building, but we were still so nervous. Would she really go through with it, after having seen this wonderful newborn?
The social worker showed up a little late, and went in to meet with the bio mom. It was a gut wrenching time. Lori and I were so happy to have this baby come into our family. But at the same time, the bio family was there in tears. It was heart breaking for them. It was such a contrast. But finally, we were on our way home with a 1 day old son in the Suburban!
Traven has been very blessed thus far. I feel like our months of prayers and fasting really helped. The bio mom did not take good care of herself, and also smoked the whole pregnancy. But Traven is doing very well. He brings such a sweet spirit into our home. We all have been blessed by his presence. We are kinder and very happy. He is one spoiled baby already.
Two of Lori's friends in the ward gave her a baby shower. There was an impressive turnout. I think we have around 50 thank you cards to put out now!
He is a miracle, and we are so blessed to have him in the family.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Wasatch Back That Wasn't
My race story will be a bit different than most. You see, this year, I did not even make it to the start of the race. I signed my team up in January, and had been training hard. I even shaved about 1 minute per mile off of my average pace. When I saw the course changes, I was beside myself. This year, the course would pass on the other side of Morgan valley, right by the house where I grew up, past my grandparents’ old house and right through the middle of countless childhood memories. I immediately made sure I had the assigned legs so that I would run that part of the course. I spent a lot of time thinking about how it would feel. Would the farmers be cutting the first crop of alfalfa? I still remember the smell to this day. How would the old Milton Park look? My eagle project as a youth had been to build benches for it. Would the old rodeo grounds still be there? I won my first belt buckle riding a "bull" there. I imagined how it would be to share so many memories with my close running friends. It would be a weekend never to forget.....
The next part of my tale takes us 34 years into the past. My wife's parents were expecting twins. The labor was long, and way too early. One twin, Ryan, died within 24 hours. The other, Bryan, was not expected to make it much longer. The doctors told the family to hold off burying Ryan, as they were sure
On the Monday before the race this year, I received a call that
You might think that someone who could not talk might not have much of a personality, or even have much of an impact on others. Nothing could be further from the truth with
Sally will forever be one of the greatest examples of service I have had the privilege of seeing in action. She gave up 34 years of her life to attend to
As my team embarks on this year’s race, I am at home to participate in the services for
What of Sally? How many hobbies did she give up to take care of her sweet son? She had no time to exercise. The idea of taking off two days to run a relay with 11 of her friends would have been out of the question. We should all be thankful for supportive families and understanding employers who put up with our odd running hours, our tendency to talk about running way too much, our planning of family vacations around races and every other sacrifice we take for granted.
So to each of my Wasatch Back comrades, I would say to be thankful as you run. Take a moment to reflect upon the majestic beauties you will pass through. How blessed you each are to run and to be on a team, to be surrounded by others who share your passion for running.
To my team, I say race on! I would be remiss if I didn't thank my co-captains, Ryan and Gary, for stepping up and making sure the last minute details were taken care of and the team was able to keep racing. I also send a big thanks to my good friend Scott, for not only taking my spot in the relay but for also stepping up and providing the wheels for van number one of our team.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Fishing trip to the Uintahs
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Moving the Showgrens from Houston to Mapleton
I flew down on Wednesday. It took me all of about 30 seconds to clear airport security, the flight left on time and we arrived early. That is what you call a good start to a trip! Glenn and Annie (3 year old daughter) picked me up at the airport. We stopped at a Waffle House for dinner. We arrived at their home, and I was immediately struck by the magnitude of the task at hand. Thursday was going to be a long day!
After a breakfast of Shipley doughnuts, we started packing. Glenn had done a bit on Wednesday, but it took us most of the day to load the truck. It was so humid, and by the time we were done I was soaked from head to foot. We cleaned up and went to The Grand Buffet for dinner.
At dinner, Eric (7 year old son) was sitting by me. All of the sudden, he began waving his arms in the air, and crying out that his mouth was on fire. He took a drink, but it did not help. He jumped up and began running around. He took off for the bathroom, and his Mom (Allison) was right on his heels. When the finally came out, we figured out the the Pepper Shrimp had full jalapenos in it, complete with the seeds, and he had chomped down on one of those. It was pretty funny, once we knew he was ok. And I have to say the mountain of crawfish the Showgrens put down was incredible!
Friday we started the drive. I drove the 26 foot U-haul, and Eric, Elijah (Eric's twin) and Annie took turns riding in the truck with me. One of the highlights of this day was watching a grown man go into the womens bathroom at McDonalds. He failed to notice he was surrounded by women, and went ahead and did his business. He received a lot of angry looks and a few comments, but still didn't figure out what he had done. Finally, as he walked out, he turned back to look at the signs, left, came back again a little closer to look at the signs, then finally figured out what he had done. He left bright red and in a hurry after that.
We were on the road for 14 hours on Friday. I have never driven that long before. It was very tiring, and I seem to have injured my right foot somehow in the process. It has a sharp pain in it now, if I hit the right angle on it. I think I held it in one position for too long. We stayed in Clovis, New Mexico that night.
Just outside of Lubbock, Texas, I was listening to the radio. They announced a severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch for the Lubbock area. We were driving right into the heart of the beast! This was a terrifying experience for me. It does not storm like that in Utah! The truck sounded like it was going to fall apart. The wind was absolutely howling, the lightning was non-stop, and the rain was incredible. I didn't dare drive much over 40 mph for most of it. I felt like I was in the movie Twister. The flashes of lightning were creating a strobe light affect in the cab of the truck. The forces of nature can be very incredible. I'm glad I lived through that experience, and didn't put the truck on its side.
I also wanted to mention that Texas is not what I expected. It was green and full of trees all the way across the state. It was not the barren desert I had thought it was. That is New Mexico! From what I've seen of it, it is miles and miles of nothing. A lot like central Utah, but without the mountains. It got somewhat better towards the end of the trip last night, as we climbed to over 7000 feet in elevation.
Saturday we didn't push as hard. We stopped to see Billy the Kid's grave. There actually was not too much to see. We also stopped to see Allison's friend Sonya. She is married to a Navajo indian, and is living on a reservation right now. It just so happened that there was a pow-wow going on that night, so we went to a bit of that. My goodness, they have some elaborate outfits they wear. It was actually pretty neat to see all the work they go to in order to preserve their ancestry. I can't remember the last time I dressed up in my Swedish or Norwegian outfit!
I should mention the other two members of our caravan. Caleb (9 months) has been a very good baby on this trip. He is very sweet and has a good personality. He is very spoiled, but there's nothing wrong with that. We also have the Showgren's pet rabbit Shark Bait with us. He has been a very good bunny, and seems to be enjoying the trip.
Sunday was pretty tame, compared to the other days. We had planned on going to the 4 corners monument, but by the 3rd day we were ready to just push on home. Of course, once we hit Utah we were immediately in road construction, and the roads sucked, but after we hit I-70 it was pretty much smoot sailing the rest of the way in.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Scout Hike to the Hot Pots
Well, they asked me to go on a hike with the 11 year old scout group. It was a 2.5 mile hike each way, and since I'd already done my long run for the week, I figured I might as well go. It sounded like fun, and it was an excuse to buy a new hydration pack!
We were to hike into the hot pots up Diamond Fork canyon. I'd never heard of this, so I did some google research. I found several pages about the hot pots. Most of them cautioned to make sure you went early in the day, as the evenings and nights are a time when the nudists tend to frequent the natural springs. We were leaving at 9:00 am, so we were well within the safe zone.
The hike was nice. The trail was wide for the most part, and did not have any difficult inclines. It pretty much followed Diamond Fork as it gently climbed deeper into the canyon. When we were nearing the pots, we passed a group leaving. They cautioned us that there was a "nude dude" ahead.
The scout leader went ahead to see what was going on. He later summarized his conversation with the nude dude. It was something like "Hey, we have a group of scouts coming up". Nude dude "I don't care". Scout leader - "That shows. I care!". Nude dude "So what?".
As I round the corner with the scouts, there he is. Ugly naked guy isn't even in the hot pools of water. He is sitting on a rock, legs spread wide open, reading a book. His feet are in the water, but that's it. The rest of his 50 - 60 year old body is in full view. Gross! The scouts are pretty good about it. They make several jokes as we pass him, but don't spend any time staring. We head up to the next set of pools. Personally, if we had to run into naked people, I guess an old man was probably the way to go. It's something the boys will run into in the locker room as they go on in life. A pool full of beautiful young women might have made their heads explode!
All in all, the hike was a lot of fun. I was surprised by how tired it made me. A 5 mile hike was harder on me than a 5 mile run would be!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Wong rules!
We started out at Canyon Elementary heading east. We looped over to 2300 East and started heading south. Terry and I could see the front of the pack at this point, since for some odd reason we were running a sub 8 minute mile at this point. I could see the leaders as they took a wrong turn and started heading the wrong way. If I had been able to catch my breath, I would have yelled at them. As it was, Terry and I sounded like a twin pair of steam engines, and raising my voice beyond a whisper was out of the question.
Only about 4 runners go the wrong way, and the rest of the pack is heading south still. We round the corner to turn west. About 100 yards from the 1.5 mile turnaround, the 4 wrong way runners pass us like we were standing still - I guess they noticed they were all alone and were trying to make up some lost time. Also at this point, the leaders pass us heading back.
Terry and I slow down a bit, but still are sub 9 minute miles. We coast in, finishing 22nd and 23rd overall. It was a cold day, but a lot of fun. My youngest daughter and nephew ran the 1 mile race. We hung around for the awards and drawings. They had a number of great prizes, and we walked out with a couple of them.
All in all, running in a smaller 5k race turned out to be a great time. And now Terry has a ribbon!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Weekend long running schedule
April 7 - Scott S. - 7 miles - American Fork, up by the temple, north on the trail by the golf course
April 14 - Mike - 6 miles - Spanish Fork clinic, south to new Spanish Fork river trail
April 21 - On your own - 8 miles - Spring Break
April 28 - Jason - 6 miles - Provo river trail 8.5 to 11.5 and back
May 4 - Mike - 5 miles on Friday morning
May 12 - Gary - 6 miles - this weeks run kind of fell apart!
May 18 - Ryan - 7 miles - Provo river trail, 9.5 to 13 and back
May 25 - Terry - 8 miles
June 2 - Scott S. - 8 miles
June 8 - Jason - 6 miles
June 15 - Gary - 6 miles, dusk to night run
June 22 - 23 - WBR!!!